Some things I saw while in England in September '07 that may be of interest to others here at the Museum

Monday, October 15, 2007

Make your own mummy wrapping

The fun workshop was a mummy-wrapping workshop on the last day. Dana Goodburn-Brown, who had worked with Dr. Zahi Hawass on the golden mummies from Bahariya Oasis, taught us to make our own Greco-Roman era mummy wrappings using action figures or water bottles(!) in place of mummies. I think this would be a great activity for the campers next year....

Dana's wrapped mummy, made for a TV program in Britain. It's modelled after one from the Bahariya find; I know the boobs look goofy but so do the original's.

The raw materials:

My waterbottle mummy wrapping:

A work in progress

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us.
Mummy wrapping- I love this idea. We have a teachers' workshop on Nov 10th on Egypt. This sounds like a good activity. Do you mind if i call you?
where is the picture of nude cyclist :)
Prema Deshmukh